Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Poste, not haste...

entrance to courtyard outside Poste restaurantThe recent (but apparently well received) meeting of DC food bloggers at Poste Brasserie was, as far as I can tell, a hit. Folks were mingling in the courtyard, and all were as shocked as I was that the turnout was more than 50 people. (And these would just be the ones who bothered to show up!) Most pleasant surprise of all was simply the knowledge that so many people in this area alone who choose to muse electronically about what we put in our mouths. Of course, it also disproves the notion that this town is only composed of policy wonks (but then again, some of them blog on food in whatever downtime they can muster).

Met some interesting folks (including a local rep for Automattic), faces for a couple of blogs I've read on occasion; I'm afraid to read them too often, as many of them have photography to make you drool, food porn for real.

Some of the more interesting sites and their cool people...

Arugula Files--A good, well-known all-around local food blog featuring food spots, recipes, and, of course, great pics.
Macheesmo--Entertaining food experiments, experiences, and other good stuff.
Savory Sights--Some of the finest food porn, with pics sent in from viewers.
Savory Reviews--A sister site to Savory Sights, but includes recipes.
State Dinner--Contrary to the title, an homage to food both homestyle and fancy. With cute recipes for baked goodies.
Gradually Greener--Concentrates on food finds in and around DC, with the pictures to prove it.
Measured Memory--A dessert baking blog, with worthy recipes and photos.
Capital Spice--Food happens.

Hope there are more such get-togethers in the not-too-distant future!

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