Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Election foolishness (isn't it always?) and more...

With all the election brouhaha, it's easy to forget that the employees of the company contracted to run the county bus service (known simply as The Bus) went on strike yesterday, according to the Washington Examiner. A brave move, I say, in these recessionary times, but, unlike many workers, they're in a union, so they have a bit more protection than other workers. Somewhat. The bad thing is that the possibility wasn't publicized ahead of time, so people using The Bus to get around the county (to polling places, perhaps?) are in a bind, and unsure which lines are not running.

Of course, polling places and the county courthouse aren't the only places The Bus runs near; there's also a stop near the outskirts of this place, where I got some early junk in the trunk:

pumpkin from Clagett Farm in car trunkThat's right--pumpkin in mid-September, from Clagett Farm. (It was a gift from an acquaintance whose truck I was helping unload.)

However, the true junk around here doesn't emanate from the farm; it comes from the politicians. I'm not talking about their posturing on various issues (or the lack thereof), or the annoying robo-calls. No, they've added another level of nuisance to the campaign season this time around.

Once upon a time, almost all election signs looked like this (my favorite campaign sign this season):
High Sheriff campaign signNow, we have lots of campaign signs pumped up on steroids, blocking views of the street, traffic, etc.:
giant Michael Jackson campaign sign
giant Dereck Davis campaign sign
giant Sam Dean campaign sign Ugh. Go away. This could, and should, become a campaign issue. After all, what happened to the "Gorgeous Prince George's" initiative?

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